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Assessment for Recruitment
Ensuring the best possible fit through data
When energy is fully flowing through team members, it creates collective strengths that do not come to the forefront
otherwise. When teams lack sufficient energy or the flow of that energy is disrupted, teamwork fractures, which
results in lower-quality interactions, decreased productivity, and a lack of innovation.
Nearly 75% of employees see teamwork as essential*, yet many feel they lack training and understanding of their team dynamics. Understanding those dynamics and organically adapting to organisational needs significantly differentiate highly effective teams from the rest.
*Queens University of Charlotte, 2022
Highly effective teams are like bright lights within an organisation. They increase a business’s competitive
advantage and serve as a beacon of effectiveness. A great team exhibits these kinds of behaviours:
Understand the generative and disruptive factors that lead to diminished energy
Are proactive and able to penetrate the market with speed
Have increased customer satisfaction
Have clearly defined roles, allowing for quicker task completion
Bring innovative strategies to the forefront
We believe the best way to understand your team energy is to first measure using best in class assessment tools. For team assessment we use BRITE, Broad-based Roots Influencing Team Effectiveness.
Strengths Unleashed is the only UK provider with a qualified "master trainer" able to administer BRITE directly without reliance on a third party. Using the data provided by BRITE and our partners' expertise and experience, we work with you to create a path toward creating high energy, high performance teams that will deliver outstanding results.
BRITE, Broad-based Roots Influencing Team Effectiveness, is the only comprehensive team assessment on the market that measures the quality of team interactions while establishing a clear language, vision, and pathway to higher levels of team effectiveness. Using five critical elements contributing to team success, BRITE examines generative and disruptive factors to evaluate current team effectiveness and reveal where team development work will have the greatest impact. BRITE measures the attributes a team possesses, the underlying contributing factors, and the key drivers at play.
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